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A publication about creativity and productivity-boosting tools

Creativerly is a weekly newsletter where author Philipp Temmel shares useful tools, resources, and valuable insights in the design and tech industry to skyrocket your productivity and get out of a creative slump. Explore a bundle of helpful tools, apps, and software that will help you read faster, take better notes and beat procrastination to achieve your goals. Philipp provides an extensive review of the tools in question, curates a section for mental health, and shares interesting articles and attention-worthy news.

Subscribe to Creativerly to discover something new and boost your productivity - every Sunday!



Philipp Temmel is a full-time product designer, writer, and side-project enthusiast. Currently, he works at iTranslate, assisting in the development of an AI-powered writing assistant. On the side, he is writing the newsletter Creativerly, where he shares the best creativity and productivity tools he comes across with his 1600+ subscribers.


Creativerly is a free weekly newsletter with recommendations of creativity and productivity-boosting tools being delivered to your inbox every Sunday.

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