Family Meal

Family Meal

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(Usually) good news for and about the restaurant industry.

Being an $800b+ industry with rapidly-changing dynamics, the restaurant business can be hard to keep up with. Fortunately, Family Meal is the newsletter to keep you in the know of all the latest news in the restaurant industry. Every Friday, Andrew Genung updates his readers with valuable insights, key points, and hot news about the restaurant business. If you plan on opening a restaurant, work in one, or just love food in general, Andrew will share information on topics like tipping policies, RRF, the latest food and hospitality trends, and famous chefs and what they’re up to.

Subscribe to Family Meal to stay updated on current trends and developments.




Andrew Genung is a freelance writer based in Hong Kong who also works as a marketing consultant. He started Family Meal way back in 2019 as a way to document the latest happenings in the restaurant industry.


As a free subscriber, you’ll get access only to the weekly Friday posts. Though sometimes, there's some extra content (pasted from the paid posts) at the bottom of the newsletter. 


A paid subscription to Family Meal costs $5 a month. The membership gives you access to both the Tuesday and Friday newsletters the second they’re published. You’ll also occasionally get additional content when and where it seems possible for the author.

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