Invisible Women

Invisible Women

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Keeping up with the gender data gap

Understand how having a male-biased approach to the world is hurting women. Caroline Criado Perez highlights the issues with male biases and how they shape the culture around us. She jots down her observations and critical thoughts through critiques of patriarchy and societal issues revolving around the gender data gap. She aims to break down false claims and slam stereotypes aimed at devaluing women’s efforts through her writing. Explore a range of topics including - The Case of Male Officers Harassing Women, Problems with the Gender Pay Gap, and Patriarchy’s Role in Undervaluing Women. Caroline provides well-researched information and valuable material based on sheer truth. This data is not only eye-opening for the general public, but also really helpful for researchers working in similar domains.

Subscribe to Invisible Women and get regular posts exposing the gender data gap within society, discrediting stereotypes, and giving women the recognition they deserve.




Caroline Criado Perez is a feminist, best-selling author and award-winning campaigner. Her works have been featured in The Times, The Guardian, Vox and many other notable names in media. She won the Liberty Human Rights Campaigner of the Year Award in 2013 and authored two books, Do It Like a Woman and the best-seller Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men. Now, she’s a prominent voice for women highlighting concerns about societal issues and dethroning patriarchy for equal rights for both men and women.


Invisible Women is a free, supposedly weekly newsletter. Recently the author keeps on publishing once a month, but she could be back to regular programming anytime soon. While all the content is being distributed for free, if you wish to support the author and join the online community, you can become a member for just £3 per month. 

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