Perspectives: Past, Present and Future

Perspectives: Past, Present and Future

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The biggest ideas shaping our world - it's past, present, and future.

Perspectives newsletter will help you understand the world as we know it, and the reasons how it got to be the way that it is. Patrick Wyman shares the lessons on the past happenings and questions the future by drawing parallels with the past, all in plain English. Expect thoughts on empires and police brutality, the conception of freedom, and the sociopathic understanding of it. Perspectives hosts not only original essays, but it is also filled with book reviews, interviews, and links to other great content.


Deep Dive


Patrick Wyman, Ph.D. is a writer and a history podcaster of Tides of History and Fall of Rome.


Perspectives is a free, weekly newsletter. Subscribe to receive an issue every Thursday.

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