Ponytail Picks

Ponytail Picks

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taking art and culture a little too seriously

Andrew and Joel created Ponytail Press with a lot of ideas in the cannon. So far, the newsletter offers free suggestions for watching, reading, and listening in a segment called "Ponytail Picks." Each edition of "Picks" centers on a particular word or theme, from "bees" and "trees" to "electric" or "#3." From songs about Honey (bees) to a list of articles on Tesla (electric), you’re definitely in for a treat. 

Subscribe for a little quirky, yet unique approach to curation and enjoy (re)discovering new things to stimulate your mind!




Andrew Koole and Joel Brandt are two long-haired freaky people from the Fraser Valley in British Columbia. Both of them have backgrounds in music and creative writing. Ponytail Press was established to give both of them an outlet for collaboration and for communicating with the outside world about their shared passions: art, film, music, and reading. They hope to add other ingredients in the future, from guest writers to short fiction and poetry. Ponytail Press has not reached its ceiling.


Ponytail Picks is a free, bi-weekly newsletter that is sent out every other Friday.

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Thematic concepts

The genius of Ponytail Picks is that it begins a conversation in your head about similar thematic "picks" in music, film, or literature. Sadly, the era of the musical concept album is long dead, but here it is revived for not only music, but adds film and literature.

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