Popular Information

Popular Information

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A newsletter about politics for people who give a damn.

Popular Information is a daily political newsletter that helps you focus on what is really important. Judd Legum believes that news delivery is flawed and aims to guide you through all the noise of ads and social media. Dive into well-organized narratives on US politics and get unfiltered perspectives by subscribing to Popular Information.




Judd Legum has spent a decade following politics as the founder and editor of ThinkProgress and has experience working for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Looking for ways to change news delivery as a process he started writing Popular Information, a newsletter that would be worth your time and attention.


When choosing a free version, you are supposed to receive only one article each week, but actually - all the content is being distributed for free. Expect to receive the newsletter daily - Monday through Thursday.


The paid subscription of Popular Information costs $6. Every subscriber has the access to the archive, so consider subscribing to support independent accountability journalism.

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