WTF Just Happened Today

WTF Just Happened Today

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Today's essential guide to the daily shock and awe in national politics. Read in moderation.

WTF Just Happened Today is a daily newsletter that covers US politics. Matt Kiser produces the publication every morning by hand and updates it throughout the day every weekday. Considered to be the best political resource, WTFJHT holds a “neutral-ish position” when answering what has happened in politics today. The newsletter is usually divided into two sections - the main part with the most impactful stories forming a narrative and the Notables, which cover a wider range of daily happenings. Matt Kisser aims for transparency, always providing facts and citing the sources of these insightful news bites. Subscribe for this “lifesaver” and join the community by participating in a 24/7/365 WTF Member forum.




Matt Kisser is a former PM at a startup, and now a full-time writer/manager/creator of WTFJHT. He started this blog as a simple, personal project to keep track of what was going on during the early days of the Trump administration, but as people began to notice - the project exploded. Matt Kisser quit his job and turned his side-project into a very popular blog and newsletter with a strong community behind it.


WTF Just Happened Today is a free, daily newsletter. The issues are being sent every working day - so get ready!

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