Seth's Blog

Seth's Blog

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Seth Godin's Blog on marketing, tribes, and respect.

Daily marketing advice from legendary marketer Seth Godin. Seth’s Blog is one of the oldest blogs on the internet and is updated with thought-provoking marketing advice every day. Seth Godin hopes to make marketing easy and understandable not only for beginners but for experienced marketers as well. By sharing one piece of advice daily, he wants to inspire his readers to take action. With over 8000 blog posts, he’s discussed almost every topic on marketing, including NFTs and why you should avoid them, the difference between working hard and working long, 5 ways to make your presentations better, and many more.

Subscribe to Seth’s Blog to rediscover marketing in a new light and streamline your marketing efforts - every day from your inbox.



Seth Godin is an American best-selling author, businessman, and speaker. His life is full of exhilarating projects that left a positive impact on the world of marketing. He’s the creator of one of the most popular blogs on the internet, written 20 stellar books, including This is Marketing, The Dib and Purple Cow, and a 30-day workshop, altMBA, which is guaranteed to change your life. Seth is driven to inspire and motivate people worldwide to take action and share their talents, skills, and ideas and he doesn’t plan on stopping.


Subscription to Seth’s Blog is totally free. Expect one blog post on marketing every day delivered conveniently into your inbox.

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