Newsletters on Business & Strategy
Newsletters on Business and Strategy usually dives deep to publish comprehensive analysis and case studies on interesting ventures. Explore classic frameworks, take an industry dive, and get smarter about business strategy.

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Lenny's Newsletter
A weekly advice column about product, growth, working with humans, and everything else that's stressing you out at the office. Smart, valuable, and full of actionable insights, Lenny’s Newsletter offers in-depth research, expert knowledge. The newsletter takes advice column format as it tackles reader questions about all things product, growth, and people management. Lenny Rachitsky shares his experience and learnings while explaining the importance of retention, paths into product management, and ways to build a marketplace business. Subscribe to this must-read newsletter and get smarter.
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Not Boring
Strategy and investing, from big companies to small. Never boring. Not Boring newsletter hosts long-form essays on business, technology, and a bit of pop culture, and it is indeed not boring! Packy McCormick finds the perfect balance between fun and educational, so think about it as the “most fun way to learn about business”. The newsletter is a mixture of business concepts and humor, analysis, and trends. Not Boring tackles topics like Slack’s long-term play, what’s behind Shopify’s doubling stock, and analysis of Tencent. Packy McCormick combines current events, the strategies behind the decisions companies make, economics and creates both valuable and engaging content. Subscribe and have fun reading it (or listening to an audio version).
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Declarative Statements
The best writing spanning economics, investing, startups, and culture. Declarative Statements is a weekly newsletter targeted at curious people who seek hard analysis but also appreciate creativity. Katelyn Donnelly puts the current market environment in context by curating timeless content on emerging trends and sensible investing. The newsletter features the author’s original writing, which could take the form of brief thoughts or links to long-form articles, as well as sections for ‘Good Reads’ complimented with Katelyn’s commentary, and always - a ‘Weekly Song’. You will find topics ranging from the future of VC and the cons of too much money to the implications of the war in Ukraine. All this and much more will help you maintain your interests in markets and stay smart if you click - 'Subscribe'.
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Morning Brew
The daily email newsletter covering the latest news from Wall St. to Silicon Valley. Informative, witty, and everything you need to start your day. Morning Brew is a daily dose of tech and business news that will make you smarter in just 5 minutes. The newsletter is everything, but traditional - forget dry and dense business news and stay up-to-date while being entertained. Each morning you’ll receive a stock market recap, coverage on the most important news and events, and Brew’s best - a small section for recommendations. Read by more than three million subscribers - Morning Brew is your go-to source for quick, reliable, and FUN business coverage!
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The Sociology of Business
A global analysis of how changing values change business. The Sociology of Business is a newsletter focused on how brands shift in response to changes in consumer taste & values. Ana Andjelic covers case studies, strategy, and latest news while providing deep insights on consumer behaviors. So if you’re passionate about brand strategies and the modern aspirational economy - subscribe to The Sociology of Business newsletter and learn how to tell your brand story, the difference between flex and basic tastes, and the importance of human curation.
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The Hustle
Business and tech news in 5 minutes or less. The Hustle is a daily newsletter written for innovators of every industry. Filled with the most interesting stories on business, tech, and the internet, The Hustle aims to deliver news in an easy-to-consume format. Every day you’ll receive a highlight on The Big Idea where the team zooms in and out on a relevant issue, snippets on what’s going on in the world (and the web), and some bonus material like the Stat/Tweet of The Day or a Free Resource (like sales email template). If you’re searching for an informative, witty, and timely news source - you hit the jackpot! Subscribe to The Hustle and get the news you need.
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Contrarian Thinking
Free your mind, build your bank account. Contrarian Thinking is a newsletter filled with actionable cashflowing ideas. Codie Sanchez aims to spread the word of financial and philosophical freedom to as many people as she can. From business ideas and lessons from billionaires to stories of failures and successes of investing, the newsletter is full of thought-provoking, mind-freeing writing that makes you question everything. You’ll read about the side hustle that doesn’t suck, learn the ways of launching a successful course, and get tips on buying houses for ⅓ of the price. Subscribe and start stacking those income streams.
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Understand the world through the human brain. Macromegas is a curation of weekly thoughts and reads on geopolitics & society, technological progress, and business strategy. Topics range from aging and entertainment to US geopolitical advantages and other lessons from history. Valentin Vincendon writes a blog by the same name, and always includes links to relevant posts in the newsletter. There he deep dives into thought-provoking subjects like NFTs or Covid Vaccines and provides original insights. Subscribe and learn more about the underlying forces that shape our economy and society.
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Discovering new markets and ideas. is a community and a newsletter for entrepreneurs, and curious minds who want to uncover new grounds. Dru Riley spends 50+ hours researching the market. He listed to dozens of podcast episodes, sees countless videos, and read articles, so you could get “the highest signal stuff” in 5-minute reports. The first time you see the report, it might look simple, but it’s intentional. The author constrained himself to a short and recognizable format. Every issue starts with “why it matters”, highlighting the problem and solution, and continues with a list of players in the field, possible opportunities, and key takeaways. Subscribe for trends reports on No-Code, Token Gated Communities, Influencer Marketing, and much more. Most importantly, subscribe for things that “really matter that no one is paying attention to.”
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Get smarter about business strategy. Divinations is a newsletter on tech and business strategy featuring original essays and interviews with founders, investors, and executives. Nathan Baschez is studying strategy and exploring classic frameworks to understand the moves that modern tech and media companies make. Read essays on interesting new companies, stories on how to create and execute business strategies, and get a “thing of the week” in a form of a book/article/podcast review, or a strategy template. If you are familiar with moats, know who H.Helmer is, or consider yourself a strategy nerd - you will definitely love Divinations.
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