The Ankler

The Ankler

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The newsletter Hollywood loves to hate and hates to love.

The Ankler is a widely read, entertainment industry newsletter, that tells you what everyone is whispering about. Richard Rushfield covers the concentration of power and tells real stories about how Hollywood really works. The newsletter is an infusion of daily industry news, filled with commentary, insights, and fearless analysis. Read issues ranging from the Great Streaming Wars and the Oscar race to suggestions on how to save Hollywood. Subscribe and get the real dirt on what is happening behind-the-scenes and fun perspectives on the movie industry.




Richard Rushfield is a journalist, author, and editor-in-chief of The Ankler. After a career covering Hollywood for various publications, he founded The Ankler feeling that the coverage of the entertainment industry is influenced too much by power and success. With this newsletter, Richard Rushfield wants to “give a voice to the people who don’t usually have one - assistants, up-and-comers, below-the-line folks.”


It is stated that by choosing the free version you will only get occasional public posts. We checked, and it is correct. A free issue of The Ankler is being sent only once a month.


The paid subscription of The Ankler costs $10. The newsletter is being once a week on a random day. The subscription gives you subscriber-only content (3 additional issues a week), a full archive, and the possibility to post comments and join the community.

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