White Noise
A Master of the Written Word
Tom's gift for language makes his writing as refreshing as a lemonade on a hot summer day. His prose piques my interest and draws me in, scrolling, reading, absorbing the experience that is White Noise. Reading Tom's thoughts, so clearly and artfully articulated is one of the highlights of my week.
Interesting, illuminating, and poignant
Tom’s writing is captivating and lively, and the content consistently leaves me a better thinker and richer human (in the intellectual and moral sense, though maybe sometimes in the financial sense as well). I never miss a White Noise installment.
Top Notch
I never understood when high school english teachers would say, (insert author name) is my favorite writer, until I discovered Tom. Through vivid descriptions and his vast thesaurus he paints a beautiful picture in which all readers can relate. Through his writing he guides readers out of the cave to the light of Truth
one of the best newsletters out there
THE most honest and insightful newsletter I read. Tom has such a unique writing style and voice. One of the few emails I get that I instantly set aside time to open.
Also open it
Tom’s writing is a breadth of fresh air when compared against the usual newsletter tropes. He’ll bring you on a journey into his heart and his work. His emails are one of the few I open as soon as they pop in into my inbox.