bitches gotta eat!

bitches gotta eat!

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judge mathis recaps + occasional sad garbage

bitches gotta eat is a blog turned into the newsletter, turned into a recap of episodes of Judge Mathis. Samantha Irby shares her personal experiences and captures powerful truths, which are all very relatable. She’s also giving recommendations for books, she’s reading, snacks she’s making, and things worth watching on TV. Samantha Irby’s writing is raw and hilarious. Expect stories about awkward sexual experiences, recipes for green things that look like health, and, of course, lots of recaps on Judge Mathis, presented through the author’s comical lens.




Samantha Irby is a writer and a comedian with the ultimate goal to convince strangers to love her. Bitchesgottaeat started as a blog in 2008 when Samantha Irby wanted to convince some hot dude to be her boyfriend. Long story short - he dumped her, but now she has a book on the New York Times bestseller list.


The bitchesgottaeat newsletter is a roughly-daily, free newsletter. The newsletter is being sent pretty randomly - sometimes you can receive content once a week, and sometimes - two times a day!

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