Both Are True

Both Are True

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Absurd, honest comedy through vulnerable essays 

Laugh out loud with Alex’s personal essays packed with life lessons, emotion, and comedy. Every week, Alex writes about some of his personal experiences and what he extracted from them. He wishes to guide people, make them laugh, and offer them some advice on life through his love of writing. He’ll walk you through his crazy journey, including the torments of parenting, how he almost went to jail, and what it’s like knowing your country is being attacked.

Subscribe to Both Are True to catch up on Alex’s hilarious experiences, learn what he’s learning, and get his two cents on this weird thing called life. 




Alex Dobrenko is a comedian, writer, and actor living in Los Angeles, CA. He studied screenwriting and began making comedy videos on Twitter during the pandemic. Apart from that, he’s also written and produced Fake News and the web series Distance.


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I am not biased at all - this is the best thing I've ever read!!

Whoever this Alex Dobrenko is, he's the best writer I have ever read, and trust me I've read em all - Hemingways, Angelous, ShakeSpear, King Lear himself, the great Yeats and the even greater Kates, not to mention Aristootle and Playdo as well as of course The TERF formerly known as JK Rowlings, oh and of course JRR Tolqueen and I would be remiss not to mention Virginia 'Boy Who Cried' Woolf. And after ALL THAT, I can say with not just confidence but also aplomb that this guy, this writer, this Alex Dobrenko - he's the best. He's the goat and I don't mean the animal i mean the greatest of all thyme. That's just a lil joke there, i wrote thyme instead of time. What just because I'm not Alex Dobrenko doesn't mean I can't try to write some funnies. Anyways, will this be sent out to magazines and stuff? I think it could be published, like a New Yorker review or something? Lmk if you do that, otherwise I'll send something along myself (I have a few friends who live IN New York so its pretty easy for me to get right to the top dogs at the New Yorker). Thank you and Both Are True is amazing!!

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