Gen Dread
Gen Dread, Essential Climate Reading
I was introduced to Gen Dread when Britt a guest writer at the Understory a few weeks ago. I hadn't even finished the original post when I found myself deep into the third or fourth article on Gen Dread, finding such rich content that resonated with me at many levels. Why do I read every post since then from start to finish? First, Britt Wray successfully balances academic rigor with her own first-person struggles that make this all incredibly concrete, and relevant to our daily lives as we seek to make an impact on climate. Second, she brings in only the content, resources and thinkers that she has already found useful in her own journey and climate work. Finally, what she outlines is admirably clear, laid out in easy-to-apprehend bullets and frameworks which leads me not only to enjoy reading but also to find myself frequently forwarding her posts to others in my circles as valuable resources. Thank you for all you do, Britt!
A perfect blend of the personal and professional
Gen Dread is a much-needed synthesis of the best ideas about the intersection of climate change and our emotional health. I love that Dr. Wray uses this space to draw on expertise from leaders in the field of climate psychology, like Dr. Renee Lertzman, as well as to feature new and marginalized voices. And I especially love that her voice perfectly blends the personal and professional: each newsletter feels like a conversation with a friend who just happens to be an expert climate psychology researcher. I'd highly recommend Gen Dread to anyone interested in climate change and mental health, and can't wait to read future issues.
A newsletter that comes with Head, Heart and Soul!
I absolutely LOVE "GenDread" – now that I come to think of it, it is actually the only newsletter I receive that really makes me happy when I see it in my Inbox. It is: encouraging, thought-provoking, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, always "entertaining" in a deep way, very well written, sweet & female and super sharp.
Lots of enlightened nuggets of wisdom !
One of the things I admire about Gen Dread is how Dr Britt Wray has reached out to the world's top experts in the field of eco-anxiety (e.g. Caroline Hickman). I especially gained loads of nuggets of wisdom from the article questioning whether activism is the 'real cure' for eco-anxiety. While I still believe activism has a big role, I liked how the article warned that it's not sufficient, and called us to avoid jumping too quickly from 'pain to action'. I also really appreciated how Britt connected me with an author working on a similar creative way of communicating eco-anxiety. (Jeremy @ComicRenegades)