Maybe Baby

Maybe Baby

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Chipping away at the inscrutability of modern life, popular culture, and how we feel about both.

Maybe Baby is one of the leading culture newsletters on Substack. This newsletter is an attempt by Haley Nahman to understand the confusing yet exciting world around her, learning about modern life (and how to survive it) along the way. The author hopes to inspire people and offer a unique approach to life by sharing her personal stories and cultural critiques especially aiming at self-delusion, cognitive bias, mass media, and how our lives are affected by all three.

Subscribe to Maybe Baby for weekly essays, recommendations, podcasts, and monthly advice where the author takes in 3 questions from readers and gives her detailed answers.


Deep Dive


Haley Nahman is a Brooklyn-based cultural writer and editor showing a keen interest in unpacking modern culture and figuring out life, human cognition, and the effects of pop culture. Her work has got featured in the New York Times, and The Guardian.


Choosing the free subscription will get you access to weekly essays every Sunday where the author tackles specific topics.


Maybe Baby paid subscription costs $5/mo and in addition to Sunday essays, gets you access to Tuesday podcasts, Friday recommendations (15 Things I Consumed this Week), and special access to the monthly advice column “Dear Baby”.

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