Net Interest

Net Interest

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Financial sector themes.

Marc Rubinstein is using Net Interest to bring you the most important financial news of the week! Marc shares the knowledge and insight that only an expert in the industry can bring. His stellar reviews from the likes of Forbes show just how valuable his perspective truly is and he’s even been cited in Parliamentary hearings! Not just that, Marc is also adamant that even the most unlikely businesses, not just banks, can be financial companies. By using the insights shared on Net Interest, you can spot these all-important businesses, and use it to inform your investing decisions.
Don’t hesitate to make use of Marc’s experience for yourself today!


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Net Interest is written by Marc Rubinstein, who spent ten years working in hedge funds. He also has experience as an analyst at an investment bank, as well as being an angel investor in the Fintech industry.


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The paid subscription of Net Interest costs $25 a month. The membership will get you access to all of Marc’s posts, as well as the full archive. The cherry on top? Possibility to join the conference calls hosted by Marc Rubinstein himself.

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