Now I Know

Now I Know

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Learn something new every day. 
The Now I Know newsletter is all about trivia. Read by over 100k subscribers, Now I Know is “always fresh, always a surprise, and always interesting!” Dan Lewis shares interesting things that are new to him, things that he recently discovered or re-discovered. He follows his curiosity and goes deep into the subject, looking for the root cause, trying to see the bigger picture and tell you the whole story. The topics go really wide too - from discussing fake witches and golden boxes of Cheerios to answering questions like Why do doctors wear green (or blue) crumbs or why your baby carrots are always wet? Only interesting stories you don’t know about - every day in your inbox.

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Dan Lewis is a creator and writer. He published 3 books (Now I Know, Now I Know More & The Soviets Invaded Wisconsin?), has a namesake Youtube channel, and has been writing the Now I Know daily newsletter since 2010.


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