Daily Stoic

Daily Stoic

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Ancient wisdom for everyday life 

The Daily Stoic is a newsletter where the top-tier author Ryan Holiday shares daily Stoic meditations to kickstart your day. He aims to educate people about Stoic philosophy so they can live more meaningful lives driven by purpose. Every day, the author shares some profound teachings from ancient philosophers like Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca, and many more. Whether it’s building resilience, setting and achieving goals, or having an optimistic outlook on the uncertainties of life, Ryan ensures to inspire readers to change their lives for the better.

Subscribe to Daily Stoic for meditations and teachings and get weekly recaps of the best Stoicism content every Saturday.




Ryan Holiday is an American author. He dropped out of college at the age of nineteen and pursued writing. He is currently the author of some of the best books on Stoicism, including, The Obstacle is the Way, The Daily Stoic, Ego is the Enemy, and Stillness is the Key. Now, he’s also working on his website, Daily Stoic, to deliver a daily dose of stoic wisdom to his followers.


The Daily Stoic is a free, daily newsletter with meditations and practices sent to your inbox at 9 AM EST, so you could start your day with a clear mind.

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