Rich Tales

Rich Tales

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Discovering Rich Tales that build Rich Life.

Rich Tales is a newsletter for curious minds, looking for ideas, learnings, and stories to create a fulfilling life. Aarati Yadav is sharing her learnings as a technology leader and an entrepreneur, as well as inspirations from the writings across the web. She starts the newsletter with an original paragraph illustrating a powerful idea, that relates to a growth mindset and helps foster both personal and professional life. Rich Tales also includes curation of relevant links, quotes, and questions to make you think differently. Subscribe and get inspired!




Aarati Yadav is a founder of Thrivearc, an executive coaching and business strategy consulting firm where she helps startup founders set high-impact goals and create a road map for success through metrics-driven processes, action planning, and rapid prototyping.


Rich Tales is a free, weekly newsletter. Expect an issue to hit your inbox every Tuesday sharp.

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