Entertainment Newsletters
Designed to entertain, these newsletters are full of cool things on the internet! Ranging from smart tweets and funny TikToks to great TV shows and recipe recommendations, these newsletters are a brief interval of relief. Subscribe and have a laugh or two!

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What To Read If
Where book lovers find their next great read. What To Read If is a weekly newsletter full of book recommendations. Elizabeth Held handpicks book titles that reflect the news of the day, pop culture, and her own whims. With an aim to help people find books they actually want to read, she goes beyond the bestselling book lists to highlight diverse writers and genres. All the issues consist of three book recs and are extensions of “What to read if…” - if you're bingeing holiday RomComs, if you’re obsessed with Wordle, or if you just want some good books. The recommendations include Elizabeth’s original thoughts providing context to the topic and explaining the plot of the book. P.S. If you’d like a personalized recommendation, just reach out by replying to the welcome email or on substack and get a custom one depending on what other books/movies you like or just on what you're in the mood for. Just subscribe and find your next great read!
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Something interesting every week from one of the oldest & best independent sites on the Web. Noticing is a weekly newsletter full of exciting ideas, insights, and people. Every Friday, you’ll receive curated roundups of posts published on Kottke, one of the oldest blogs on the internet, and delve into a world of creativity. Both Jason and the guest writer Tim hope to inspire and fascinate the audience by bringing engaging curations on things like a custom moon motorcycle, stunning gardens of cherry blossoms, and whatever the heck bone music is. Subscribe to Noticing for roundups of some of the most awesome, mind-boggling, and interesting posts every Friday. P.S. Jason is on sabbatical now, so while he's taking a break, you'll receive automated emails of some of the best content that was published throughout the years.
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Sunday Scoop
Practical life advice for dog dads, one pawsome quote, and one carefully curated recommendation or link. Sunday Scoop is an extension of Furrimals, a blog and a one-stop-shop for all things dogs. Written by Lee Parker (a dog dad to Luna, the cutest Bulldog), the newsletter is full of relatable content. From actionable tips and encouragement to practical life advice - Sunday Scoop will give you an inside look into the daily struggles and joy of being a dog dad. Subscribe for insights and advice and get access to Lee’s favorite gear and tools with an added bonus of referral codes!
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Friday Finds
David shares the top-five links he discovers in a weekly newsletter called “Friday Finds.” With Friday Finds, David Perell is aiming to bring you links to the information you won’t find anywhere else. Dave wants to make Friday Finds a welcome break from the doom and gloom of today. Instead of dwelling on the news and drama that the rest of the Internet appears to be constantly caught up in, Friday Finds will bring you things that are interesting, not depressing. David’s range of topics is vast, covering everything from Aristotle to modern technology, and his testimonials from readers are glowing! So be sure to subscribe to Friday Finds today for a weekly dose of enlightenment!
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Hung Up
Hung Up is essays, interviews, reviews, recommendations, gossip, love notes, line readings, and other cool stuff you want to share with your friends. Hung Up is a weekly newsletter that brings you saucy gossip, intriguing essays, movie reviews, and recommendations. In this newsletter, you’ll get insights into the author’s thoughts, critiques, and takes about current events, pop culture, and celebrities. Hunter Harris is on a journey to understanding why we’re hung up on things we like, whether celebrity drama, a new Netflix special we’re all hooked on or a song that keeps replaying in your head. Subscribe to the Hung Up Newsletter for essays, interviews, and the latest celebrity gossip - delivered straight to your inbox.
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Culture Study
Think more about the culture that surrounds you Thought-provoking perspectives on a world full of hidden cultures are delivered to your inbox every week. The Culture Study is a newsletter where American writer and journalist Anne Helen Petersen shares her views on complex topics and discusses evolving cultures, and social issues with an aim to break the cycle of traditional thinking. Anne Helen Petersen shares deep dives, expert interviews, and weekly community threads and hosts occasional takeovers from guest writers. From misinterpretation of colored groups to understanding why millennials are under a mountain of stress - you’ll embark on a journey exploring different cultures in the vast world around you. Subscribe to Culture Study for insights into evolving cultures and trends to understand the changing dynamics of this world and keep your thinking broad.
Deep Dive
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Wait but Why
A popular long-form, stick-figure-illustrated blog about almost everything. Employing simple language and witty memes to tell its stories, Wait but Why serves content on almost any subject you can think about. From presumably simple topics like procrastination to more complicated ones like artificial intelligence, every time a new post is published - you’re in for a treat. Every Sunday, for a limited time after subscribing, you’ll receive a throwback series of emails containing the most popular post (36 to be precise) and as for the new stuff, you’ll receive each new post as it comes out. So if you’re interested in learning “Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think" or "Why Gen Y Yuppies Are Unhappy" - subscribe and dive deep!
Deep Dive
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The Rubesletter
Musings from a standup comedian and startup veteran The Rubesletter is a weekly newsletter where NYC comedian, writer, and filmmaker Matt Ruby shares his takes on different events happening around the crazy world we live in. Navigating through life in 2022 after everything we’ve been through feels like walking on a tightrope…without a balancing stick. In this newsletter, the author aims to share his perspective on things like tech, politics, society, and life and offer no BS advice to people who wish to see things from a different angle. You’ll find fun reads for everything ranging from learning how technology works, creative stand-up advice, and rants about the woke left Subscribe to the Rubesletter to get a different perspective on life, an interesting take on recent events, and relevant advice straight to your inbox every week.
Deep Dive
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Now I Know
Learn something new every day. The Now I Know newsletter is all about trivia. Read by over 100k subscribers, Now I Know is “always fresh, always a surprise, and always interesting!” Dan Lewis shares interesting things that are new to him, things that he recently discovered or re-discovered. He follows his curiosity and goes deep into the subject, looking for the root cause, trying to see the bigger picture and tell you the whole story. The topics go really wide too - from discussing fake witches and golden boxes of Cheerios to answering questions like Why do doctors wear green (or blue) crumbs or why your baby carrots are always wet? Only interesting stories you don’t know about - every day in your inbox. Subscribe and never run out of conversation starters.
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Insanely Useful Websites
Discover websites you didn't know existed Insanely Useful Websites newsletter is an extension of a curated directory featuring websites, products, and apps you’ll find useful. Every week Jaisal sends out 3 new and interesting websites with an added bonus of unuseful one that could help kill your boredom. Think of a website full of free logos to download, one that hosts 2190 calculators, or a text-to-speech tool you never knew you needed. Subscribe to explore what the internet has to offer and help curate this community-generated resource.
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