Productivity Newsletters
You will find newsletters that help organize your knowledge, provide frameworks of modern or mindful productivity, and inspire you to do your best work. Take action to supercharge your productivity and subscribe!

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Weekly Thing
Weekly Thing is an exploratory journey with a goal to share knowledge. Each Saturday morning, you will get Jamie Thingelstad's thoughts on technology, leadership, productivity, culture, privacy, and anything else interesting. He adds commentary to the curation, combining his decades of experience leading teams and building technology. He also includes his personal writing and a photograph of the week. There is even a fortune at the end! 🥠 Subscribe to get “direct feed from Jamie’s brain.”
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A publication about creativity and productivity-boosting tools Creativerly is a weekly newsletter where author Philipp Temmel shares useful tools, resources, and valuable insights in the design and tech industry to skyrocket your productivity and get out of a creative slump. Explore a bundle of helpful tools, apps, and software that will help you read faster, take better notes and beat procrastination to achieve your goals. Philipp provides an extensive review of the tools in question, curates a section for mental health, and shares interesting articles and attention-worthy news. Subscribe to Creativerly to discover something new and boost your productivity - every Sunday!
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5-Bullet Friday
Get the 5 Things I've Been Loving, Using, and Reading: Books, Gadgets, Hacks, and More. 5-Bullet Friday, a newsletter famous for crashing websites, is a result of Tim Ferri’s constant exploration of the world (if you haven’t heard about him, you will need to read more about his personality, to get a better idea). Considered as a “treasure trove”, the newsletter describes five coolest things the author’s been enjoying. From exclusive giveaways and the latest obsessions to new hacks and tricks from the experts - you’ll always be caught by surprise with something new and exciting. So, if you’re into all kinds of weird stuff from all over the world and want some VIP treatment in a form of exclusive deals and events - subscribe and join 1.5mln+ of adventurous readers.
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Brain Food
Get the weekly email full of actionable ideas and insights you can use at work and home. Brain Food newsletter is an extension of a bigger project called Farnam Street. The main idea behind the company is to help you “master the best of what other people have already figured out.” Every Sunday, the team shares thought-provoking, high-signal content to help you make better decisions, and live a better life. The range of topics is wide, but you can expect material on mental models, decision making, and in general - the art of living. The issue usually starts with excerpts and links to a recent FS blog post or a podcast episode, continues with an Insight and a Tiny Thought packed with multidisciplinary wisdom, and a section to Explore Your Curiosity which hosts curated links with the “best of human thought”. Subscribe and start feeding your brain.
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Brain Pint
For curious, intelligent people who want to sharpen their minds. Brain Pint is a curated newsletter with interesting reads, tools & learning resources. Janel aims to inspire and help others to learn. She has been reading hundreds of articles each week, so you could get the most educational and entertaining content out there. Think of tips and tricks for personal development, actionable tools for your productivity, and some great reads from the tech & marketing world. If like to discover new things, subscribe and get smarter with Janel.
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Sivv Digest
Sivv summarises actionable insights from leading books, articles, and research to help you get smarter, faster. Sivv digest newsletter is all about learning smart. The team reviews hundreds of sources each day and curates the most useful ideas to help you save time and learn more efficiently. It’s not just a list of multiple links - all stories have been summarized and crafted into an easy to consume format. Sivv digest is more about ideas that are generally applicable and timeless rather than specific topics. So think of them as “life hacks” and expect anything from advice and theory to frameworks and results from a study. Subscribe and overcome the information overload.
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The Jungle Gym
Build a more fulfilling career by integrating work with your life. The Jungle Gym is a newsletter full of ideas on how to manage your career and work smarter. Nick deWilde aims to share insights about the changing nature of work to help you make better choices about your life and career. The author publishes three different types of emails: The Essay - a long-form article on the relevant topic, The Keyring - exchange with a domain expert about tools, methods, and frameworks they use to make progress in their careers and The Roundup - riffs and recommendations of good content Nick has been reading lately. Subscribe for topics ranging from Twitter addiction and working for the internet to in’s and out’s of platform branding.
Deep Dive
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Alex & Books
Discover amazing books, insightful lessons, helpful reading tips, and more. The title Alex & Books gives it all away. The newsletter is written by Alex who loves books and wants to help you become a better reader. Every Sunday, you’ll receive 3 insightful lessons from a new book, 3 pieces of actionable advice to improve your life, and a recap of Alex’s most popular social media posts (he does have an enormous following, so the content goes through tens of thousands of readers before showing up in your inbox). Don’t forget Alex got popular through his blog, so make sure to check out the website for book recommendations, summaries, and links to his podcast interviews with inspiring authors. P.S. Upon subscribing you’ll also be getting a list of his favorite books filtered by genre. Subscribe and let books change your life.
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The Curious Bunch
Get bite-sized reads, productivity tools & resources to be creative at what you do. The Curious Bunch (TBC) is a curated newsletter that aims to “make your inbox happy once again!” Vidya, being a prolific creator, goes through dozens of tools and articles each week and writes about her experience going down rabbit holes and trying them out herself. Every issue consists of a Curious pick, a tool, and a comprehensive review, where Vidya introduces its pros and cons together with suggestions of the best use of it in your professional and/or your personal life. And then there’s The Good Stuff - a curation of different resources and tools for your productivity, creativity, and growth. All the links are complemented with the author’s original thoughts, which adds a personal touch to every piece of information she shares. Subscribe and discover something new!
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Maker Mind
Maker Mind is your weekly dose of mindful productivity. Get inspired by evidence-backed essays about structured distractions, flexible consistency, and good stress. Fascinated by all the weird ways our brain works, Anne-Laure Le Cunf explores the intersection between entrepreneurship and neuroscience. Maker Mind dares to create, encourages to seek motivational challenges, and learn to think better. The newsletter dives deep into all things productivity, creativity, and mental wellness. It is divided into three sections - “Brain food” with links to original articles, “Brain candy” with interesting links from around the internet, and “Brain hack” with an exclusive mini-article. So, if you’re fed up with the magic formulas shared by so-called productivity gurus, subscribe to Maker Mind and make most of your mind!
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