Tech Newsletters
Newsletters on tech may help you find the next big thing, identify trends, and understand the big picture of global tech. Read about the technology of business, learn difficult tech concepts, and look into the future.

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Get smarter about business strategy. Divinations is a newsletter on tech and business strategy featuring original essays and interviews with founders, investors, and executives. Nathan Baschez is studying strategy and exploring classic frameworks to understand the moves that modern tech and media companies make. Read essays on interesting new companies, stories on how to create and execute business strategies, and get a “thing of the week” in a form of a book/article/podcast review, or a strategy template. If you are familiar with moats, know who H.Helmer is, or consider yourself a strategy nerd - you will definitely love Divinations.
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Lenny's Newsletter
A weekly advice column about product, growth, working with humans, and everything else that's stressing you out at the office. Smart, valuable, and full of actionable insights, Lenny’s Newsletter offers in-depth research, expert knowledge. The newsletter takes advice column format as it tackles reader questions about all things product, growth, and people management. Lenny Rachitsky shares his experience and learnings while explaining the importance of retention, paths into product management, and ways to build a marketplace business. Subscribe to this must-read newsletter and get smarter.
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Analysis of the strategy and business side of technology and media, and the impact of technology on society. Stratechery is a highly praised newsletter and a podcast, known to provide the clearest insights in the industry. Ben Thompson shares in-depth commentary with a high level of detail and analysis on what is happening in tech and media. Considered one of the sharpest thinkers, the author tackles a high variety of topics from business models and Slack's social network to machine learning and Kanye West. Subscribe to receive subscriber-only Daily Updates and/or the free Weekly Article. P.S. The exact same content is provided in audio format, as a podcast, and the website hosts an amazing archive, that can be explored by - Concepts, Companies, or Topics.
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Benedict’s Newsletter
What happened in tech that actually mattered, and what did it mean? In this weekly newsletter, Benedict Evans dives deep into the tech world and analyzes technology's outcomes that matter. Providing context to the latest news and developments, Benedict Evans helps you cut through the noise. His in-depth analysis on various technological topics ranges from Twitter’s privacy scandal and Google’s Magic AI to Web3, NFTs, the Metaverse, and how the fashion industry is leveraging virtual reality. Subscribe to Benedict’s newsletter and start understanding the impact of tech and what the future holds.
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Technically explains software and hardware in simple and engaging way so you can impress your boss. Technically is a newsletter with a strong focus on technical concepts. Justin Gage wants to help you to identify trends in technology, understand difficult concepts, and find better solutions. Technically answers questions like "What’s an API" and "How does Machine Learning work" and covers a wide range of tech topics writing about the Cloud, Domains, and the prospects of GPT-3. So if you are someone who interacts with software on a daily basis, works at a bank or a tech company, subscribe to Technically for the most useful and fun-to-read content.
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Sports-Tech Biz
The most compelling stories behind business and technology within the context of sports. Sports-Tech Biz aims to help you improve your sports content diet. Ronen Ainbinder explores his curiosity across diverse topics and shares interesting stats, you’ve probably never seen before. Expect creative, yet very detailed information on all things sports. Read about the WHOOP subscription model and digital collectibles in sports or think about the bigger picture analyzing the origins of the Olympics, the evolution of analytics, or the history of racism in sports. Subscribe and dive deep!
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Not Boring
Strategy and investing, from big companies to small. Never boring. Not Boring newsletter hosts long-form essays on business, technology, and a bit of pop culture, and it is indeed not boring! Packy McCormick finds the perfect balance between fun and educational, so think about it as the “most fun way to learn about business”. The newsletter is a mixture of business concepts and humor, analysis, and trends. Not Boring tackles topics like Slack’s long-term play, what’s behind Shopify’s doubling stock, and analysis of Tencent. Packy McCormick combines current events, the strategies behind the decisions companies make, economics and creates both valuable and engaging content. Subscribe and have fun reading it (or listening to an audio version).
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Crypto Curious
I discuss different topics in the Cryptoverse. From what a blockchain is to the future of finance itself. CryptoCurous is a newsletter built for those who want to dip their toes into the crypto and Web3 space but don't know where to start. Lucas Walters shares his thoughts on the future of finance and explains the main concepts of crypto. Learn the basics of how a blockchain works, what NFTs are, and how to use them and explore the infinite metaverse. Subscribe to start your wild and fun journey down the web 3.0 rabbit hole and help Lucas form a DAO!
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next big thing
in search of the next big thing. Take a look at how every industry is being reinvented by technology and follow trends in consumer behavior and business models. Explore topics from the future of doing work and the rise of individual investors to consumer subscriptions and the business-in-a-box model. Subscribe for a weekly essay from a venture capitalist and find the next big thing.
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The technology of business and the business of technology. The newsletter brings interesting perspectives on the fast-changing industry. Coming from finance and technology, the authors find a common ground on business while sharing their findings and opinions. Margins cover a wide range of topics - writers discuss everything from current trends and shitty business margins to issues on the impact of remote-first, and how Robinhood is making money. Subscribe for engaging content that will leave you thinking.
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