Newsletters on Business & Strategy
Newsletters on Business and Strategy usually dives deep to publish comprehensive analysis and case studies on interesting ventures. Explore classic frameworks, take an industry dive, and get smarter about business strategy.

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PETITION provides analysis, commentary, and curated links about financial markets, distressed investing, restructuring and bankruptcy. Petition is a vital tool for anyone looking to gain an education in disruptive trends and distressed debt. What separates Petition from its competitors however is its unique approach. Petition refuses to be just another boring, dry resource that you feel like you have to slog through, frequently making use of memes and language that isn’t for the faint of heart. They are creating fun, engaging content that can help you source investment ideas, pitch new deals, and develop your business. Their readers include those from all business backgrounds, including lawyers, investment bankers, and those just trying to keep up with the times; don’t hesitate to join them today!
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Net Interest
Financial sector themes. Marc Rubinstein is using Net Interest to bring you the most important financial news of the week! Marc shares the knowledge and insight that only an expert in the industry can bring. His stellar reviews from the likes of Forbes show just how valuable his perspective truly is and he’s even been cited in Parliamentary hearings! Not just that, Marc is also adamant that even the most unlikely businesses, not just banks, can be financial companies. By using the insights shared on Net Interest, you can spot these all-important businesses, and use it to inform your investing decisions. Don’t hesitate to make use of Marc’s experience for yourself today!
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Napkin Math
Business breakdowns, by the numbers. Napkin Math is a business and investing newsletter that provides data-driven analysis. Adam Keesling strives to find data points to figure out which startups are going to succeed, what is working, what is not, and what the future holds. Napkin Math debates why software is better than content, analyzes roll-up strategy, and covers acquisitions that are worthy of your attention. So subscribe for industry dives, startup case studies, and discussions on the prospects of interesting ventures.
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Discovering new markets and ideas. is a community and a newsletter for entrepreneurs, and curious minds who want to uncover new grounds. Dru Riley spends 50+ hours researching the market. He listed to dozens of podcast episodes, sees countless videos, and read articles, so you could get “the highest signal stuff” in 5-minute reports. The first time you see the report, it might look simple, but it’s intentional. The author constrained himself to a short and recognizable format. Every issue starts with “why it matters”, highlighting the problem and solution, and continues with a list of players in the field, possible opportunities, and key takeaways. Subscribe for trends reports on No-Code, Token Gated Communities, Influencer Marketing, and much more. Most importantly, subscribe for things that “really matter that no one is paying attention to.”
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Means of Creation
A talk show about the passion economy. Means of Creation is a talk show and a newsletter that aims to be the most valuable resource for creators, founders, and investors in the passion economy. The authors have a weekly live zoom call which is later published to a youtube channel, podcast platforms, and edited for a newsletter format. Li Jin and Nathan Baschez talk about how the work is changing, how the internet culture works, and how the future of journalism looks like. Learn about the world of creators and get a weekly news roundup on platforms, startups, and trends with a link to live Zoom calls.
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Get smarter about business strategy. Divinations is a newsletter on tech and business strategy featuring original essays and interviews with founders, investors, and executives. Nathan Baschez is studying strategy and exploring classic frameworks to understand the moves that modern tech and media companies make. Read essays on interesting new companies, stories on how to create and execute business strategies, and get a “thing of the week” in a form of a book/article/podcast review, or a strategy template. If you are familiar with moats, know who H.Helmer is, or consider yourself a strategy nerd - you will definitely love Divinations.
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Free Radicals
Conversations about leadership in this moment. Free Radicals is a limited series newsletter featuring conversations with leaders in tech. Sherrell Dorsey and Annaliese Griffin focus on equity, advancement, and progress while debating on how does the future of business looks like. Read about the tech’s diversification, big demographic shifts, and the intersection of race and commerce. Subscribe and “celebrate those who embody leadership in this moment.”
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Category Pirates
Category Pirates is the authority on Category Creation and Category Design. Every week, they publish a newsletter for the radically different—who want to see, design, and claim the future. In their weekly newsletter Category Pirates cover everything from the secrets behind the success of existing companies, to how you yourself can use Category Creation to propel your business to new heights. It doesn’t matter what your age is, Category Pirates are going to teach you exactly how to create a thriving business. Just take a look at their article on business ideas for 18-year-olds, no one is too young for the world of business! Be sure to subscribe to Category Pirates today to get top tips from certified experts in their field straight to your inbox.
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A Media Operator
Thoughts on building digital media businesses. A Media Operator discusses what is happening in media and provides actionable insights for current and prospective media operators. Jacob Cohen Donnelly talks about strategies and tactics while diving deep into business models, advertising, audience development, audio, and video. The newsletter has been extended to a podcast where the author interviews entrepreneurs and operators about their success and failures while building media companies. Interested in knowing how to grow and monetize your media business? Subscribe to Media Operator and join the community.
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The Pomp Letter
The Pomp Letter is a newsletter for investors interested in learning about Bitcoin, finance, and technology. With an extensive list of hundreds of thousands of subscribers, even including some of Wall Street’s finest, The Pomp Letter has firmly established itself as one of the leading investment newsletters. Whether it's crypto or rising inflation rates, Anthony has something to say on every aspect of the financial world. Now, in his newsletter, the author is going to show you where the places to keep your money could be and why. Don’t miss out on the most vital news in tech and finance; subscribe to The Pomp Letter today. Also, if you’re seeking more advice, be sure to check out The Pomp Podcast!
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