Newsletters on Food
Newsletters that celebrate food! Choose an author and discover different cuisines, learn new recipes, or even dig deeper into the issues surrounding food.

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NYT Cooking
Feast on recipes, food writing, and culinary inspiration from Sam Sifton and NYT Cooking. The New York Times cooking blog aims to supply you with the best, most tantalizing recipes for every situation. Whether you’re trying to eat a little cleaner, or seeking to indulge, there’s a recipe on here for you. The NY Times is also incredibly inclusive in its recipe creation, with recipes for Vegans, Vegetarians, and any dietary requirement one might have. Not only that but during this month of Ramadan the NY Times has also published an extensive list of meals you can eat while breaking your fast that will leave you energized for the day ahead. So no matter what your dietary leaning may be, be sure to check this out to get the most out of your cooking.
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Family Meal
(Usually) good news for and about the restaurant industry. Being an $800b+ industry with rapidly-changing dynamics, the restaurant business can be hard to keep up with. Fortunately, Family Meal is the newsletter to keep you in the know of all the latest news in the restaurant industry. Every Friday, Andrew Genung updates his readers with valuable insights, key points, and hot news about the restaurant business. If you plan on opening a restaurant, work in one, or just love food in general, Andrew will share information on topics like tipping policies, RRF, the latest food and hospitality trends, and famous chefs and what they’re up to. Subscribe to Family Meal to stay updated on current trends and developments.
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From the Desk of Alicia Kennedy
A weekly essay on issues in food, from politics and climate change to culture and labor. From the Desk of Alicia Kennedy is a newsletter about food and everything that surrounds it. Be it sourcing, labor or politics involved, the author raises thought-provoking questions and makes unforeseen connections. Get ready for essays on restaurants and the death of the chef, on consumption and the meaning of food and fatphobia, and the role of food media. From the Desk of Alicia Kennedy contains original essays and published/reading/cooking sections where the author shares her published work, recommended reads, and recipes. Subscribe to get access to additional interviews with people in food and join community discussions.
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a newsletter
recipes. stories. unsolicited advice. a newsletter is a publication on food and life’s nuances. Alison Roman shares original stories, best recipes, and recommendations for quarantine activities all through her personal lens. The author gives you food for thought as well - whether it’s drawing parallels between dill and herself, expressing emotions surrounding pasta carbonara, or considering whether capitalism inspired apple (over)picking - it’s always entertaining and very relatable. Subscribe for tasty recipes and stay for Alison Roman’s whimsical writing.
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Stained Page News
Cookbook fans, you have come to the right place. Written by a cookbook critic, Stained Page News is no wonder - all things cookbooks. Considered an essential read for cookbook fans, the newsletter covers the industry by publishing cookbook previews, releases, news, and other cookbook-related content. Every week Paula Forbes shares opinions, overviews, and links to the most exciting news + tried and tested recipe excerpts. Subscribe and get ready for tasty recipes, personal recommendations, and the SPN Cult Cookbook Club!
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This Needs Hot Sauce
Weekly sizzlers about Cooking, Dining out, and making the most of Food. Discover exquisite recipes to treat and spice up your taste buds. Every week, Abigail Koffler publishes an article on something to cook, something to order, and something to read. If you’ve been scratching your head trying to decide what to cook, Abigail’s easy-to-follow recipes and advice on eating out will give you useful ideas and inspiration to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Explore enjoyable reads on a little bit of everything related to food, including Back to School Vibes with Family Dinners, Making Delicious Vegan Cookies, and Toxic Restaurant Culture. Subscribe to This Needs Hot Sauce newsletter to discover finger-licking recipes, secret tips about dining out, and some valuable insight into restaurant culture.
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In Digestion
A weekly survey of the best food media on the web, and why you should care about it. In Digestion is a newsletter that covers the best food media. James Hansen curates a round-up of the most interesting stories, highlights important issues, and provides opinions from a broader perspective. In Digestion is quite complex and frequently philosophical, so get ready for thought-provoking questions and fancy words. Subscribe and start thinking deeper about the food media world.
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A thrice-weekly, IACP-nominated breaducational newsletter. Wordloaf is a newsletter about bread. Well, mostly, it is also full of non-bread recipes, news in the food industry, recipe books, and insights from other chefs/bakers/food creators. Andrew Janjigian sends three newsletters every week with at least one recipe from himself, recipes from guest authors, and from the great internet. Andrew is a baking teacher at King Arthur’s Flour so you can expect some high-quality breadknowledge coming your way in the form of recipes. You’ll find the simplest no-knead doughs to get you started on your bread journey and it goes all the way to more complicated breads like baguettes. The best part? He takes you through every step of the way to ensure you have beautiful bread at the end. So subscribe to Wordloaf for tasty bread/non-bread recipes and start baking!
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