Newsletters on Life
Definitely a wide topic, but full of life’s little gems. These newsletters tell stories, share extraordinary experiences, and encourage you to reflect on your life. Read about living life online, get some true life learnings, and find little connections that will change your perspective.

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The Jungle Gym
Build a more fulfilling career by integrating work with your life. The Jungle Gym is a newsletter full of ideas on how to manage your career and work smarter. Nick deWilde aims to share insights about the changing nature of work to help you make better choices about your life and career. The author publishes three different types of emails: The Essay - a long-form article on the relevant topic, The Keyring - exchange with a domain expert about tools, methods, and frameworks they use to make progress in their careers and The Roundup - riffs and recommendations of good content Nick has been reading lately. Subscribe for topics ranging from Twitter addiction and working for the internet to in’s and out’s of platform branding.
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Wait but Why
A popular long-form, stick-figure-illustrated blog about almost everything. Employing simple language and witty memes to tell its stories, Wait but Why serves content on almost any subject you can think about. From presumably simple topics like procrastination to more complicated ones like artificial intelligence, every time a new post is published - you’re in for a treat. Every Sunday, for a limited time after subscribing, you’ll receive a throwback series of emails containing the most popular post (36 to be precise) and as for the new stuff, you’ll receive each new post as it comes out. So if you’re interested in learning “Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think" or "Why Gen Y Yuppies Are Unhappy" - subscribe and dive deep!
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The Curiosity Chronicle
Curiosity-inducing content and educational pieces demystifying the world of finance, money, business, and economics. The Curiosity Chronicles targets growth-minded individuals who are looking for high-signal content. From writing on topics like “dangerous mental errors in decision making” to “first principles thinking,” Sahil Bloom aims to furnish subscribers with curiosity-inducing content that will help them discover the best valuable lessons for succeeding in life and business. In his words - “If I can spark new curiosity…that leads to active thinking, learning, discussion, and personal or professional growth—I’ve done my job.” In addition to the usual deep dives, you’ll also receive the Friday curation email with 5 interesting ideas. Subscribe and learn something new every single week.
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Digital Native
A weekly newsletter about how people and technology intersect. Digital Native is a weekly newsletter where the author Rex Woodbury deeply explores how culture is shaped by the technology we use. His detailed essays aim to inform readers on how we may be amid major societal changes, and the influence technology has on our culture. Every Wednesday morning, Rex sends out run-down discussing topics, like the seven deadly sins of consumer technology, Lil Nas X as Gen Z’s defining icon, and the messy internet culture that’s killing mainstream media. With Rex’s thought-provoking perspectives you can rest assured - you’re in for a high-value, productive read. Subscribe to Digital Native for fascinating analysis on tech and culture.
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The Rubesletter
Musings from a standup comedian and startup veteran The Rubesletter is a weekly newsletter where NYC comedian, writer, and filmmaker Matt Ruby shares his takes on different events happening around the crazy world we live in. Navigating through life in 2022 after everything we’ve been through feels like walking on a tightrope…without a balancing stick. In this newsletter, the author aims to share his perspective on things like tech, politics, society, and life and offer no BS advice to people who wish to see things from a different angle. You’ll find fun reads for everything ranging from learning how technology works, creative stand-up advice, and rants about the woke left Subscribe to the Rubesletter to get a different perspective on life, an interesting take on recent events, and relevant advice straight to your inbox every week.
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Maybe Baby
Chipping away at the inscrutability of modern life, popular culture, and how we feel about both. Maybe Baby is one of the leading culture newsletters on Substack. This newsletter is an attempt by Haley Nahman to understand the confusing yet exciting world around her, learning about modern life (and how to survive it) along the way. The author hopes to inspire people and offer a unique approach to life by sharing her personal stories and cultural critiques especially aiming at self-delusion, cognitive bias, mass media, and how our lives are affected by all three. Subscribe to Maybe Baby for weekly essays, recommendations, podcasts, and monthly advice where the author takes in 3 questions from readers and gives her detailed answers.
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Rob Henderson’s Newsletter
Rob Henderson uses his newsletter to write about human nature, psychology, social class, TV shows, movies, political and social divisions, and more. The eclectic nature of Rob’s newsletter means you’re certain to find something in his discussions that interests you, whether it’s politics, psychology, or just a good movie. Perhaps Rob’s most famous work is his concept of luxury beliefs, an idea Rob touches on frequently throughout his work in relation to the modern approach to social justice. Rob also shares the culture and habits of the social elite to keep you clued in on the actions of the most successful people in our society. Be sure to subscribe to Rob’s newsletter as soon as possible to expand your mind to regions you’d likely never even considered before.
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The Profile
The Profile features the best long-form stories on people and companies in business, entertainment, tech, sports, and more. Stemming from the belief that there are a lot of lessons to be learned from people's everyday lives and journeys, The Profile aims to tell stories about some of the world's most exceptional people in different industries. From a profile of a carpet cleaner who speaks 24 languages and one on Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson to surveying 100 couples to find out their secrets of a successful relationship, Polina Pompliano always finds fascinating people to ‘profile’. Moreover, the author thoroughly believes in protecting its subscriber's "inbox time." So, you can rest assured to learn only the most valuable lessons from every story you read when you subscribe.
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