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Please Clap
An investigation of why we clap for people doing the least, and earnest recommendations of art, music, and writing you should applaud. Shelby writes a satyrical newsletter about why we clap for people giving the least effort. It all started out as an Instagram account full of drawings giving out the ‘awards for good boys’ where she depicted men wanting praise for being ‘good boys’ and later it morphed into a newsletter. In Please Clap Shelby analyses our online world, modern dating life, and internet dramas illustrating everything with her famous drawings. From what it means to be a sexist woman, to the death of wife guys, her whimsy essays are always complimented with an image of Clem (Shelby’s dog that co-signs every issue). Subscribe to Please Clap for funny, utterly honest writing, hand-picked internet links, and...pictures of Clem!
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A Continuous Lean
f this is a newspaper ACL is the men's style section. In ACL you can find writing on goods, fashion, craftsmanship, and travel. It is a newsletter for men who like things done the traditional way, who prefer good quality craftsmanship over ‘hype’, and who sometimes seek some parenting advice. You can also find interesting interviews with heritage brands, find out what it takes to become one and keep it alive. You will find essays on odds & ends like watches, cars, and sports equipment. Michael focuses on slow making and slow living while appreciating the good things from good people. He also gives recommendations on how to style, what to wear and how to wear it. Subscribe to A Continuous Lean for unlimited men's style advice and classic fits.
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A thrice-weekly, IACP-nominated breaducational newsletter. Wordloaf is a newsletter about bread. Well, mostly, it is also full of non-bread recipes, news in the food industry, recipe books, and insights from other chefs/bakers/food creators. Andrew Janjigian sends three newsletters every week with at least one recipe from himself, recipes from guest authors, and from the great internet. Andrew is a baking teacher at King Arthur’s Flour so you can expect some high-quality breadknowledge coming your way in the form of recipes. You’ll find the simplest no-knead doughs to get you started on your bread journey and it goes all the way to more complicated breads like baguettes. The best part? He takes you through every step of the way to ensure you have beautiful bread at the end. So subscribe to Wordloaf for tasty bread/non-bread recipes and start baking!
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The Single Supplement
Because single people deserve a newsletter of their own. Just that, this newsletter covers all the topics that a single person could care about without the usual judgment that's being felt between the lines. Nicola writes about topics from dealing with personal finance and mortgages to navigating awkward family interrogations and sometimes about the lonely feeling of being alone. Nicola shares very personal stories that we all can relate to since we’ve all dealt with them at some point in our lives. Like the feeling of always being behind or feeling invisible in a big city, especially after the pandemic, or just how it is a lot easier to be in a relationship since our society is couple-centric. However, this newsletter is not ONLY for single people, there are stories and insights for all, coupled or uncoupled. So subscribe to The Single Supplement for a dose of honesty and get all the stories, curated news, and interesting Q&As
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Garbage Day
A newsletter about having fun online. Garbage Day is an award-winning (it got the Webby!) newsletter about what’s going on on the web. Ryan writes about social networks, modern media outlets, and all the insane stuff you can find on the internet. He believes that the web should be more open and that everyone should have fun there. And that’s what The Garbage Day is all about - a lot of honest takes on the latest news of the internets’ wildest corners. Think of topics like The British Army's Twitter, TikTok’s Witch Hunt, and a DAO which is trying to buy the constitution and you'll get the idea of what kind of tweets, videos, memes, and interesting reads you'll get every week. There is a special deep dive column written by guest writer Allegra Rosenberg called ‘Allegra’s corner’. If the title 'Amish Bitch' intrigues you - explore the archives for more! Subscribe to Garbage Day and dive into the best internet ‘trash’. 🗑️
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My Sweet Dumb Brain
My Sweet Dumb Brain is a labour of love. My Sweet Dumb Brian is there when you need it, just like a good friend. It is full of compassion when you are struggling and it is there to clear any social stigmas you might catch yourself in. Katie writes the essay thoughtfully, sharing her personal problems, making them more 'normal' and letting us understand that we all face struggles but we are not alone in dealing with them. In these essays, she shares useful tips, ideas, and recommendations on how to keep yourself sane. It’s not a self-proclaimed mental health newsletter but more of a safe space for sharing experiences and ways of overcoming them. That’s why there is a great sense of community as the comment section is never empty - it’s full of appreciation. Subscribe to My Sweet Dumb brain to let your brain have a rest and let your emotions run free.
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The Whippet
A newsletter for the terminally curious. The Whippet is a witty, factful newsletter from a brilliant writer McKinley. Every fortnight she puts together exciting and interesting news that sparks her curiosity. Something that you’ll rarely find on mainstream media, these are hand-picked and well-researched pieces including her unsolicited advice. Some topics include NSA security posts from the 60s(that make little to no sense), The Omnivore diet is not wrong, and Medieval Warhorses Were As Large As Modern-Day Ponies. Subscribe to The Whippet to feed your curiosity cravings and fill up on fun facts to get out of the next socially awkward interaction.
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Blackbird Spyplane
Blackbird Spyplane is yr no. 1 source for “unbeatable recon” into style & culture Blackbird Spyplane is a cultural digest on all things COOL, it’s goofy, a bit ironic, and quite nerdy, but most of all - it’s undescribably cool. The essays are slang-full, nostalgia-heavy (think 2000’s internet vibes) pieces on culture, clothing, and the aesthetic that combines it all. They express their point-of-view through a well-fitting lingo of their own: “compulsive jawn-coppers” is how they describe themselves. It’s a brilliantly chaotic newsletter filled with celeb Q&A’s, giveaway, cool collabs, and their exclusive paid membership-only SpyMall. Subscribe to BBSP to get the freshest takes on our cultural zeitgeist and unapologetically edgy visuals.
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Wealth Accumulated
Independent stock market insight from a value-orientated perspective. Wealth Accumulated is a jargon-free newsletter for long-term investors, entrepreneurs, and traders focusing on value investing. In each issue, D J Thomas shares his investment strategy and discusses its results. He highlights trends in financial markets, quarterly performance reports, and portfolio news to help readers upgrade their investing strategy. Besides his portfolio reports, he also writes valuable pieces on How to Fight Inflation, Macro themes to Propel Your Portfolio, and Investing in large caps going through turmoil. Subscribe to Wealth Accumulated to learn about value investing and tailor your investment strategy to skyrocket your portfolio.
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This Needs Hot Sauce
Weekly sizzlers about Cooking, Dining out, and making the most of Food. Discover exquisite recipes to treat and spice up your taste buds. Every week, Abigail Koffler publishes an article on something to cook, something to order, and something to read. If you’ve been scratching your head trying to decide what to cook, Abigail’s easy-to-follow recipes and advice on eating out will give you useful ideas and inspiration to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Explore enjoyable reads on a little bit of everything related to food, including Back to School Vibes with Family Dinners, Making Delicious Vegan Cookies, and Toxic Restaurant Culture. Subscribe to This Needs Hot Sauce newsletter to discover finger-licking recipes, secret tips about dining out, and some valuable insight into restaurant culture.
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