Newsletters on Life
Definitely a wide topic, but full of life’s little gems. These newsletters tell stories, share extraordinary experiences, and encourage you to reflect on your life. Read about living life online, get some true life learnings, and find little connections that will change your perspective.

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bitches gotta eat!
judge mathis recaps + occasional sad garbage bitches gotta eat is a blog turned into the newsletter, turned into a recap of episodes of Judge Mathis. Samantha Irby shares her personal experiences and captures powerful truths, which are all very relatable. She’s also giving recommendations for books, she’s reading, snacks she’s making, and things worth watching on TV. Samantha Irby’s writing is raw and hilarious. Expect stories about awkward sexual experiences, recipes for green things that look like health, and, of course, lots of recaps on Judge Mathis, presented through the author’s comical lens.
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The TueDo List
Put on the comfy pants and settle into The TueDo List. The TueDo List is a newsletter with a strong community of women 40+. The publication is “a place to get real with other grown-ass women.” The TueDo List features weekly roundups of all the links worth checking, showcases a member of the community, shares stories, and dedicates a section of things they are obsessed about. So if you are in need of comfort food or great TV show recommendations, want to hear a relatable story, or just take a respite - TueDo List is what you are looking for.
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Coffee shop sounds sent to your inbox every weekday. Whether it’s 4 hours of Parisian cafe ambiance, 30 minutes of grinding and pouring coffee goodness, you’ll feel like you’re out there, enjoying the coffee, without leaving the comfort of your house. Coffeehouse has evolved from only 2 sentence commentary next to a link to interesting ramblings on productivity techniques and recipes to make your own drink (mostly something other than coffee). Subscribe for the coffe shop sounds and stay to learn and connect with fellow remote workers.
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The Jungle Gym
Build a more fulfilling career by integrating work with your life. The Jungle Gym is a newsletter full of ideas on how to manage your career and work smarter. Nick deWilde aims to share insights about the changing nature of work to help you make better choices about your life and career. The author publishes three different types of emails: The Essay - a long-form article on the relevant topic, The Keyring - exchange with a domain expert about tools, methods, and frameworks they use to make progress in their careers and The Roundup - riffs and recommendations of good content Nick has been reading lately. Subscribe for topics ranging from Twitter addiction and working for the internet to in’s and out’s of platform branding.
Deep Dive
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Hola Papi
Advice, essays, and more by John Paul Brammer. Hola Papi is a popular LGBTQ and Latino advice column, suited for anyone who appreciates wit and wisdom. Full of essays, illustrations, and unfiltered thoughts - Hola Papi has the winning formula of “40% funny, 40% earnest, 10% bonkers, and 10% Valentina hot sauce.” The column tackles questions from readers around the world and it is now considered a reflection on what it means to be queer in today’s society. It’s honest, it’s humorous and it’s full of wisdom on love and life.
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This Week's Worth
A weekly extraction of fascinating things humans put on the Internet. For curious people in a hurry. This Week’s Worth provides insights, summaries, and links to the creme de la creme of the world wide web. Personal development looks like the main theme running throughout the newsletter, but you can expect loads of different stuff. The topics range from best beliefs sourced from HN to articles on historic events and from book notes and insights to “how-to” blog posts. Subscribe for content and stay for tweets and GIFs of the week!
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White Noise
A weekly missive in which I write about books, behavior, and the brain. Tune in! Tom White considers the newsletter a work of experimentation. White Noise is the author’s attempt to make sense of the content he consumes, as “putting pen to paper help elucidate the what, the why, and the how of things.” White Noise targets thoughtful, curious minds with the smooth prose and nonfictional insights that come from extensive reading, thinking, and real-life experiencing.
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No Girl is an Island
No Girl is an Island is your semimonthly ray of sunshine + free therapy in a world that wants more compassion, kindness, and cat videos. You won't find politics, preaching, or tips on how to synergize your workspace. Instead, you'll receive doses of art, music, articles, recipes, or videos that I found funny, useful, or simply worth sharing. Reading Lani’s letters feels like listening to a friend. These free-spirited thoughts could sometimes be very honest and personal, other times just witty and cute, but they are always very relatable. Subscribe for a fresh dose of honesty and enjoy your therapy session!
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Musing about living life online. Monomythical is Nadia Eghbal’s personal place. It is considered to be “halfway between a blog and a journal”. The author shares her interest in open source, thoughts on the online-offline world, and the creators of the internet. Monomythical draws parallels between tech companies and Disneyland rides and debates the meaning of Twitter friends and the crash of our social markets. Subscribe for the monthly conversation and a bonus of personal notes and reading recommendations.
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A newsletter about the details. Supergranular is a newsletter about looking at life very closely, finding connections and worthy moments. Thom Wong shares his personal stories and interesting thoughts which are all very relatable. You will read pieces on anxiety and ways to quiet your mind, thoughts on treating strangers, passive income for the soul, and the importance of betting on yourself to tell your own story. Subscribe for interesting original articles, “random giveaway art project-style things” and subtle recommendations for life in London.
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