Tech Newsletters
Newsletters on tech may help you find the next big thing, identify trends, and understand the big picture of global tech. Read about the technology of business, learn difficult tech concepts, and look into the future.

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Complicated technology in simple language for the non-technical. The technologic newsletter is making technology understandable for the average person. Chad Underwood is driven by the excitement he gets when he helps other people conquer their fears of technology. He paints a bigger picture, provides real-world examples, and different possible situations to highlight the importance of the issues and explain why YOU need to understand how it all works. From answering questions like what’s a zero-day or the trojan horse to explaining Operating Systems and APIs, Chad does it in a way that ‘a Kindergartener would understand”.
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Weekly Thing
Weekly Thing is an exploratory journey with a goal to share knowledge. Each Saturday morning, you will get Jamie Thingelstad's thoughts on technology, leadership, productivity, culture, privacy, and anything else interesting. He adds commentary to the curation, combining his decades of experience leading teams and building technology. He also includes his personal writing and a photograph of the week. There is even a fortune at the end! 🥠 Subscribe to get “direct feed from Jamie’s brain.”
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Late Checkout
Exploring how and what to build in the "new normal". Late Checkout newsletter discusses products, consumer social, and marketplaces with a strong focus on communities. Greg Isenberg shares key insights to inspire you to “build new products or at very least build smarter ones.” Late checkout covers topics from the great unbundling and the stretch of social platforms to education 3.0 and the intersection of community and commerce. Subscribe, learn about internet communities, and get inspired to build.
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Thoughts on Crypto, money, markets, life, whatever! In his blog, Cobie is bringing valuable insight and opinion into the world of crypto, web3, and all of its facets. Through each blog post, Cobie aims to give advice on all aspects of the ever-changing market world that we live in, injected with a healthy dose of realism that sets him apart from many of the overly excitable crypto bloggers that have inhabited social media as of late. This is exemplified in his blog about ApeCoin, which saw backlash from some crypto-obsessed Twitter users. Cobie’s frank and honest long-form writing style is a refreshing take on financial advice. He aims to ensure that you get the information and advice you need without the overly-confusing language, so sign up today to start making better trades for your future.
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Jatan's Space
Exploring space and our Moon, for a better future for humanity. Jatan’s Space is called space for a reason. Not only Jatan is writing about the Space, but he also writes a blog, a newsletter and curates a gallery that all come together in this space he created. The wide variety of articles focuses on the Moon as well as on space exploration and the solar system. So what to expect when subscribing? You’ll get deep dives on topics like how water was discovered on the moon, the history of space missions, and reasons to explore the Moon. You’ll also get weekly lunar updates in a form of Moon Mondays newsletter and some wonderful visuals like Moon craters and lava channels. Subscribe and start exploring
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Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets. Discover the latest news, tips, tricks, and flabbergasting ideas to become a CSS master in front-end development with the weekly-ish CSS-Tricks newsletter. The CSS-Tricks team of developers shares valuable programming insights to help inspire and motivate other developers to experiment with CSS and explore the limitless possibilities this excellent language offers. Discover topics such as fluid typography, responsive design, and CSS logic and performance to increase your understanding of web dev and stay in the know on the latest techniques. Subscribe to CSS-Tricks for educational, developer-friendly content on CSS.
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First Round Review
Discover the best tech advice from industry experts. The First Round Review is a weekly wrap-up that provides readers with actionable insights and tech knowledge from experienced experts. Each issue aims to explore new ideas and inspire readers to take action to scale their career or company to new heights. Every week you’ll be sent long-form articles on topics ranging from Becoming a Better Manager and Keeping your Team Motivated to Using Speed as a Competitive Advantage and Scaling Your First Startup. You can also expect unique guest posts written by CEOs, Managers, and VCs of thriving businesses sharing the knowledge they’ve gained while working on building better future technology. Subscribe to First Round Review for untapped knowledge on the tech industry and detailed how-to's.
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Brianne Kimmel's Newsletter
A weekly newsletter on tech and consumer culture. Brianne Kimmel’s newsletter is all things work+tech, featuring original essays and interviews with founders. The newsletter focuses on consumers, tools, and trends and tackles topics on The New American Dream and the future of work. Brianne Kimmel is very experienced with startups and carries a mission “to make work more creative, flexible & human”. Read about game-like experiences in tech, unbundling of LinkedIn, and efforts bridging the gap between the real-life and virtual world. Subscribe to a must-read and get a look inside Silicon Valley.
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Steph Smith's Newsletter
A blog dedicated to remote work, continuous growth, and technology. Steph Smith's newsletter is an extension of her very popular (read by 700k) blog. The author loves to write about the things she both cares and knows about, sharing her experience and honest perspective on the subject. The topics range from “An Ode to Excel” and “You Don't Need to Quit Your Job to Make” to “The Guide to Remote Work” and “Learning to Write with Confidence”. Steph is a clear thinker, she’s not using vague terms and instead focuses on personal learnings, making all of her writing easy to digest and very relatable. Subscribe to follow a journey of a lifelong learner and don’t forget to explore the archive!
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Exponential View
Weekly guide to the future. Exponential View is a highly-respected newsletter on the future. Azeem Azhar uses a holistic approach and explores different perspectives of economics, technology, and business in order to understand what the future holds. Think about the connection between humanity and technology and learn how societies and policies change under the force of exponential technologies. Exponential View newsletter consists of long-form essays, predictions, curation of the things worth reading, weekly reminders of CO2 levels in the atmosphere, and peaks into the near future.
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